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Greenwood Daily Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 5

Greenwood Daily Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 5

Greenwood, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TSX GUDTVOOO DAILY JOITIIAL, i Tio'i ma PITY NEWS TOTAL 600 PEOPLE IN ROBINSON'S SHOWS Only Forty of Thrae Arc Bosses or NorriV Exquisite CANDY Fresh shipments received weekly PERSONAL Mr. W. J. Snaad Is spending the day In Augusta on business. Dr.

and Mrs. Herbert Rosenberg and Utile son, Herbert, are tutting Mr. and Mra. A. Rosenberg.

Miss Evelyn Rosenberg haa returned from North Carolina where he has been spending sometime. Miss Daisy Martin Atlanta, Is visiting her father, Mr. H. M. Those Beautiful Clothes For Fall and Wiater Heads of Departments Ponies Turned Wrong Cwitch.

The colored man who was Instructed to cut off the lights at Lander Co) lor. this morning st 6:60 turned In a fire alarm from box 31 Inatead and the Iepartmcnt had a run for nothing. Drill Thursday Night apt. Gaines announces that regular drill of the Coast Artillery Company will be held Thursday night. Thla will be the first drill since the company ret irned from Ita encampment at Fort Moultrie.

Draw Calliope. Our candy it kept on ice Oregon Pharmacy "The Reliable Irug Store." To hav every customer a perfectly satisfied one' even to the smallest purchase, is the aim of this store Miss Virginia Felder returned to her home at Vance this morning after spending some time with MUa Sadie Sheridan. Joe Marshall and Brooks Marshall llll Uf The of a big circus are always of extraordinary Interest to the curiously Inclined lately and probably for the reaon. chiefly, that the average layman has such a comparatively limited knowledge of the inner workings of a traveling tented organisation. The iulilir knows the professional circus man and woman almost entirely aa they are seen In action on the performing or executive "firing line, so to peak, and of their private life the personal side of their being, the outsider Is practically a stranger.

As a prartlrsl Illustration. It Is worthy of hprdal note that the Joljn Robinson Shows, which are scheduled to exhibit in Greenwood on Oct. 7, carries Km own tonsorlal parlor, with two tkllli'j bartwii and a manicur Select Drainage Engineer. Will D. Alexander, ot Charlotte, haa been named engineer for the drainage project on Turkey, Mars and Mulberry Creeks.

Mr. Alexander was selected at a meeting of the commissioners here yesterday. A contract for the work will be let within the next two or three weeks (Jot it Quick Phono 128 No woman can come into our store and look over our stock without being pleased. She is bound to find something she wants. We know what women want, especially Greenwood women, for we have served them for so long we anticipate their desires.

Ot Greenwood, were In the rlty on a visit to relatives. Abbeville Press and Banner. Dr. Z. T.

Cody of Greenville paused through the city yesterday en route from a meeting in Laurens county to his home. Mr. Archie Dallas who wax a pupil In Ersklne several years ago and who was In Due West last week, Is a student of the Seminary in Louisville, Ky. He did mission work In Canada during the summer. Mr.

Dallas will return In a few days to the Semi ADS ALL WANT ASS CASH 4. 4. FOUND: Four remarkable sister's to entertain you Monday night, Oct. 2nd. Falrchlld Lad lea Quartet-Lander Lyceum.

9-26-1 1. If You Want Any of These Things Come Here Coats, Sport Coata.Coaf Suits, Pretty House Dresses, Lovely Evening Dresses, Gloves, Waists, special lot just received, Sweaters. Oh, everything needed to make a "woman well dressed." ist in attendance, and for the accommodation of the horses and ponies employed In and about the main tent, there Is a completely equipped blacksmith shop with four expert "smithies." For the edification and delight of the kiddles, twenty ponies draw the tooting, shrieking steam calliope. All told, there Is employed in the varloiiH departments of the John Robinson t'lrrus, a total of 60O people, of which forty are department heads, or "bosses," as circus parlance designates the executive chiefs. WANTED: Everybody to enjoy the opening number of the Lander Lyceum FalrchUd Slaters Quartet, Monday Oct.

2. 9-27-lt. Exceeded the Speed Limit. Will Watson, colored, driver of a public automobile, was arreted by Rural Policeman McDowe'l thla morning on the charge of exceeding the speed limit yesterday afternoon about three miles from town on the road to Scotch Cross! The negro passed Mr. McDowell, the officer says at the rate of about 40 miles an hour.

He waa required to give 110 bond. Fined for Gambling. Four negroes. Will Walk Inn, (Jus Franklin. George Metta and Will Coleman, were tried before a Jury thla morning in the City Court and convicted of gambling.

They were represented by Mr. T. Frank McCord and the town waa represented by City Attorney H. C. Tillman.

The mayor lined Will Watklns, Gua Franklin and Will Coleman $50 or P.O days and George Metto $25 or 30 days. nary at Louisville. A. It. Presbyte-rlan Miss Kdna Maglll left on Monday for the business school of Greenwood where she will take a three months WANTED: Enipty sack of all kinds.

Highest market prlcea paid for name delivered. Greenwood Fruit Co. 9-27-31. course. Miss Maglll graduated last June from our public school, taking deserved honora in certain branches J.

B. Wharton Co LEASE FOLLOWERS CALL CONVENTION. WANTED: Several girls to fold. wrap, address and mall circulars In afternoons for several days. Give your pnone number.

Address P. O. Box 220. 9-27-lt. W.

A. James Issues Call to Supporters of Blease to Demonstrate Standing, Increase Faith end Consecrate Efforts. of her studies. She expects to take work in the office of her cousin, Mr. Geo.

Maglll. A. R. Presbyterian. Rer.

Mr. Dallas of Ware Shoals came up Saturday afternoon and apent a abort time In Due Weat. His son, Mr. Archie Dallas came with him. Miss Margaret Dallas, who Is a pupil of the Woman's College, went back with him to spend the Sabbath at home.

Rev. Mr. Dallas Is pastor at Greenville church. A. R.

FALSE TEETH DENTED TO FOES BY BRITISH. tlces. For strains or sprains, son) muscles or wrenched ligaments rs-aultlng from ttrenuous exercise, Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep tt on hand for emerg-encles. At your Druggists, 25c.

Adr BUSINESS CURDS Manton to make the entry In the docket conform to the verbla of the aentence. Lamar wants the words "from and including this day" in the docket. He appealed after sentence to the United States Supreme Court and did not ko lo Atlanta until May 8 last, but his contention is that his term will end next December. Judge Manton denied, the motion, saying, "the release of the defendant Consigned From Here to Germany, They Are Seized and Sent Back. (Special to The Journal.) London.

Sept. 27. Many sets of Greenwood'! Largest (Special lu The Journal.) Columbia, Sept. 27. Members of the minority faction in South Carolina have been called to attend a convention in Columbia October 18.

John K. Aull, Columbia correspondent, today sent The Charleston American the follows dispatch: "Columbia, Sept. consultation with prominent members of FIRE tad REAL ESTATE OFFICE false teeth bound for Germany are j. Send your laundry to the right place done np as pood as nw. We do Domestic Finish work.

All work guaranteed if not satisfied, free of among 1,200 packets of non-contra 0. 0. DOWLINO Oldeit and Strongest Companies. Phone 274. band mat! seized on the steamship Hellgolav last March Which have upon bail was but the imspiclon of been released from the prlxe court as servitude." But it is understood the reform fai ion in Columbia to 4 i SOCIETY.

Parr-Baker. A marriage of considerable inter a result of the Intercession of Unit day. Col. W. A.

James, of liishopville, ed States Consul General Skinner. one of the leaders of the reform par These packages are to be returned that Lamar will apply to the Aalanta Federal Court for a writ of habeas corpus next IVrember on the ground that he Is being illegally restrained of his liberty. to I heir owners in America and not ty in Lee county. Issued Hie following call for a convention of the re-lonn faction to be held in Columbia forwarded, as was understood in charge and price cheapest in State. Shirt plain 08 Shirt, stiff bosom io 0Ha Cuffs per pair .03 Family clothes, one to three dos-en, 40 cents per dozen.

Three to on Tuesday, October 18: est here was that of Miss Annie May Parr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Parr, of Newberry to Mr.

Ralph Baker, formerly of this city, at the bride's home, Monday evening at 'I hereby call for a convention IDUII MARK TONIC DIGESTIVE stimulates the digestive organs to action so that the food that enters the stomach la digested and assimi of the reform faction of the Demo FORGET YOUR ACHES. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame Lack make life a burden. If you suf fer from rheumatlHm. gout, lumbano. cratic party to be held on Tuesday, October 18th.

in Columbia. 1 hiring eight-thirty o'clock. Rev. J. W.

Car- some quarters, to the persons to whom they were addreg3ed. Permission has been refused for a consignment of American medicine to go to an American In Berlin, who asserted he could not otherwise recover his health. It Is argued by the prize court authorities that he should he able to obtain a good substitute in Berlin. the campaign Just passed, appeals lated. Sold only by us, $1.00.

Meacham Drug Co. eon of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church performed the neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan liniment, the universal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; it penetrates wcii' mado to save civilization, as we five dozen. 35 cents per dozen. Five to ten dozen, 30 cents per dozen.

ceremony in the company of the Ini did In ls7ii, when ne.gor domination mediate families and a few intimate without rubbing and soothes the ten the issue. Men have been heard friends. to jubtif questionable methods J. S. WAH der flesh.

Cleaner and more effective than musisy ointments cr poul- at the ballot box upon the same Mr. and Mrs. Baker left immediately for Richmond, where us when ucnling with ne 1917 FORD CAR. groes in ISTti, und now li in up to us and It is our duty to hold a Kreat Clear Bad Skin From Within. Pimply, muddy complexions are due to impurities In the blood.

Clear up the skin by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their mild laxative qualities remove the poisons from the system and brighten the eye. A full, free, non-griping bowe! movement in the morning is the reward of a dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before.

At your druggist. Alv.j convention and demonstrate that we are aa good white men as are those I. Chipley Has Promise of 24 Cars This Week. they will make their home. Mr.

Baker has a position with the American Locomotive Works In that city. He I3 the second son ot Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Baker and is a popular member of the younger set to which he belonged. who contemptuously stigmatize the bone and sinew of this Htate as "lHeaaeites," and for the further purpose of increasing our faith and consecrating our efforts to the continuance of the struggle for the prin Jno.

I. Chipley drove his firiH I'll 7 Ford Touring car through from Char-lotto Saturday. He, as well as hla other dealers have been unable to make delivery of Ford cars for the past six weeks, but hope to start to make deliveries this week, as he has the promise of twenty-four cars for liiilg" FURNITUW ciples upon which we stand. 1 sug gest that each democratic club send one true and tried reformer as dele gate to this convention. this week.

Sr 'All newspapers who have any The new cars have large radiators of that kind of people as subscribers .1 new style hoods and fenders and the brass parts are nickle plated. If you Plew ometnin please publish one time. (Signature) "YV. A. JAM KB." Halls Cleaned! We can make them look like NEW.

expect to buy a Ford car this fall you had better place your order as LAMAR SEEKS RELEASE early as possible, as deliveries will FROM PRISON IN DECEMBER be made according- to orders received, 9-27-2t. Federal Court Denies Motion to 3 6 3s Amend Docket to That Purpo Will Try Again Next Winter. RESHAPED REBLOCKED (Spsclal to The Journal.) THE New York, Sept. 27. David Lamar seeks to escape serving the two full 1 years imprisonment In the Atlanta Penitentiary, to which he was sen Have you stopped to think of the pleasure something new always brings with it? A dress, a nng, a piece of furniture no matter what it may be, inspira-Hon and bright spirits follow along in its wake, especially if it's furniture.

Every time you sit in the soft chair or stretch out on the soft couch, it makes you happy. This is a happiness which every one can afford while we have the stock we have, and charge the prices we do. Ask about our liberal credit plan. PASTIME tenced on Dec. 3, 1914, for Imperson ating former Representative A.

Mit chell Palmer of Pennsylvania wtth intent to defraud J. P. Morgan Co. and the United States Steel Corpor ation. In sentencing Lamar, Unit ed States District Judge Sessions said: 1 We clean and block them for 50c Outside and insideT band 25c each.

J' l'v4 Hat work done by D. Bluford. GREENWOOD 2eam Laundry "In your case, Mr. Lamar, the World Film Corp. Presents MOLLIE KING and ARTHUR ASHLEY 'ini judgment of the court is that you be taken from here to the United States Penitentiary at Atlanta and there' confined for the full.

time, a period of two years from and Including this "The Summer Girl" 0 flnnprFiirriitorc fir i Fantastical Fares Comedy in Fire Clerk William Leary's entry in the mm wrmm mm Acts. Come and Laugh With Us. LET'S GO PAS TIMING. court's docket states simply that Lamar was sentenced to two years' Imprisonment Through his counsel, Carl E. Whitney; Lamar yesterday asked United States District Judas 1 11c.

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