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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 5

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 5

The Index-Journali
Greenwood, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 1 March 12. 1949 THE GREENWOOD. S. Pa Five LEADS REVIVAL Cal, native of Kershaw Jama OTJanlel. 71.


OF CENSUS TRAINING CENTER, FORMRRLY SUPERVISOR HERE 2 Morp Churches Added in Negro Red Cross Drive National Forest Revenues Revival Meeting At Ninety til Mr jChovaa la the former Mia Laura Arlington af Oreenwood and ant and their two children, PhO and 0 Tan more church hart been added the list of worker for tha Kgro division in tht Red Craae fund campaign, announces Benjamin J. Sander. Jr, general chairman for Ihia division. Tht addtlonal church art: Ooketbury Baptist-th Rev. U.

a Martin, pastor; Oeorge Khigh and Oeorgt Evans, worker, Dunn's Creek Baptist tht Rev. O. R. Reuben, pastor; T. T.

Robla-aon, worker. Eighteen churches were reprt sen ted at tht klckoff meeUng of tht colored division a week ago, and In addition to the two more announced today. Chairman Bandera aayt other will bt added next week. Minister of each church serve ta community chairmen In th fund drive. Tht group will meet again on Prtday, March S) for a progresa report on collection of the goal of UJOOO which waa pledged at th klckoff meeting.

a a DEATHS Reported March 11: W. M. HeUams. 73. Laurens W.

M. Taylor. IX Anderson A. D. Wert, II, WoodAiff Brown Pranklin.

63, Jolly Street Mrs. M. Hosteller. IT. Laurena Jaa.

It. Moeely, Clinton Mr. W. T. Crawford, to.

smlmnn E. J. Smith. M. Woodruff Mr.

Henry Culbresth. ta. Oreer asra v. a. urren.

jrn Columbia Henrv P. Soon. 79. Irmo A. Rankin, Batesburg Mrs.

Wa T. Phillips. Sumter Mrs. Charlie Nolan. 44.

Uarlhora B. Trueadale. M. San Brrnandlao, Dr. Ceo.

W. Parsons CHIROPRACTOR If. Mala St Dial M71 (Mas first BaeUM Cknt Philip B. Chovan. formerly of Oreenwood.

I now district super- vuer of the Philadelphia office of tht United States Bureau of the Census and Is also Trlner-tn-! Charge of the Philadelphia Trahv I mg school, one of four centers ee- In the United State to Instruct enumerator for tht bust- nea censua of tht nation which stsrU In April. The Philadelphia Training School Ind Its supervisor, Mr. Chovan. art tht subject of an illustrated article in a recent laaua of "Everybody' Weekly," tht magastnt section of The Plilladelphla Inquirer newspaper. Mr.

Chovan was tht first district wpervtaor of the Oreenwood office the Cenaut Bureau when the k--al office was opened In September. 1U. He temalned hart for seven months, being transferred to Washington In May, 1M4. and had been located there until last December when he was sent to head tht Phil-vlelphla office and training center. Youth Revival To End aifter 3 More Sessions The Youth Revival at Lowed Street Methodist Church win bt concluded arter three mm service er this weekend, and tht Rev.

B. H. Tucker, pastor ot tht church, aialn Invitee all young people and rhurch workers In general to attend the special service. have had capacity eudlenoie each night sine th aerie started last Sunday," Mr. Tucker eays.

Last nlsht 40 rnuni BMnla attended from two Spartanburg churehe Duncan Memorial and Jackson Methodist. The Rev. William 8. Davis, youth ful preacher Wilmort, Xy. la ev ince list for tht Youth Revival.

Tht concluding aendcea will bt at 7:20 tonight, II o'clock tomorrow morning and 1:20 Sunday night. NEW YOKK COTTON New York, March 11 UTh- Cot ton future drifted lower hi quiet trading today. Price movement were narrow as dealer awaited Washington development on BCA fund for export of cotton. Moat of today's activity Involved evening up operation In tht nearby March contract tn which trading wul at noon on March 17. 80m selling continued to be attracted to tht market by declining textile produc tion.

futures closed 10 to is etnta bale lpwer than tht previous eloae Open High Low Close PrCl Mch 32 22 22.22 2X2S 3231 tlU May Jiy Oct Dec Mch 23 12 22.12 22 04 22 22.10 20 tg 20.M 2090 S0JS 20J9 28 11 28.14 2.10 23.1! II 27.92 27J9 27.91 2791 7727 27JI 3731 27.71 27.79 27A4 PANOLA South Oreenwood, March II Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen and on of OreenvUle. and Odell Morrir ind Mrs. James Allen of Oreenwood visited Mrs.

Allen's husband. James 1. Allen, In the Veterans Hospital 'n Columbia Saturday. Elll Pnswell of Belton spent Sunday wtth his brother, Mr. and Mrs.

C. C. Bo wen. Friend of J. B.

Butler sympathise with him In the death of his mother 'art Sunday. Jack Boyd who has been sick for vme time Is able to bo back at work aratn. Mr. and Mrs. J.

McCoy are the irmid parents of a fine baby girl. Friends of Mr. and Mr. O. IToiselle symnethlze with them In tht death of their Infant ton last Thursday evening.

Mrs. Volsellt remains In the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Oen try visited relatives In Newberry Sunday.

Mr. Wesley Phillips haa returned v3 after being a patient In the Mattle Major has been on sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. N.

B. Oordon and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Beaman visit- NEIV 1 Merry, will spend next week her with Mr. and Mrs.

Meredith Rhodes. after which they will join Mr. Cho van at tht new home which has Just been secured in Philadelphia. Th article about Mr. Chovanl new work points out that Philadelphia la tht train tng center of field supervisors for 14 state and tht Diatrfft of Columbia.

Prom January ta April, teneus supervisor and enumerator. In three classes of 10 each, win be taught to extract from businessmen tht Information on tht nation bud nea which wtU be pub lished later thla year by tht Bureaa In tht Ceneu to the first census of bttolnea at rare 1M0. The other training center art tn Houston, Bt. Louis, and Ban Fran' etsro. Oreen woodl present district u- vrvlsor of the census I Sam Agnew, who rtcentlv attended tht tramlne? renter In Houston.

Cold Wind, Snow Whipping Across Wide U.S. Area By The Asseetaled Free Snow flurrle and aold March winds whipped acroa wide area from tht plain state to th North Atlantic roast today. A lata winter cold snap lingered In section of tha north central re gion and temperature again were below aert tn parts of Minnesota. North Dakota and Wisconsin. Th mercury tumbled to 11 below at BemldJL Minn, and waa -13 at In ternational Palis, at the Minnesota- Canadian border.

The snow flurries and strong winds occurring over Midwest area and eastern Kentucky to the AUan-Uo etatee and lnt New England wert In tht wake of a severe storm centered over Nova Bootla, Temperature generally wert below frtea-tng over tht nUr area. Temperature ta tha Midwest cold belt wert expected to moderate lightly today and tomorrow. But the U. Weather Bureau said an extensive mesa of cold ah- waa expected to move la from western Canada Sunday night and Manday. COKESBURY Cokesbury, March 12.

Mr. and Mra. Alien WhK and children. Mr. and Mra C.

A. Nlcklea war In Charleston Sunday seeing the garden. Mr. and Mra. Robert Jaoque of Wart Shoal apent Sunday afternoon with Mr.

and Mrs. D. M. Daniel Mr. and Mrs.

TuHy Orahaaa and Mrs. T. H. Oraham war auntier guaata of Mr. and Mra.

T. K. Cobb oa Sunday night. Mr. and Mra.

J. R. Towneend eaQ-ed on Mra. Kate Elll on Saturday. Tht D.

O. held Its covered dish "upper on Thursday night with a fine crowd. Oamea conducted by Mr. Oliver of tht-rJuvenilt Council were enjoyed bji young and old. J.

D. Abercromblt haa been ta Oreenvfile a few day attending the Masons ruth convention. Ht visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Ab- errrumbla while there. Mr. and Mrs.

Andy Smith and aon railed on Mr. and Mra. Yates Daniel Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Alien White eaOed oa Mrs.

Toe ad 11a on Monday. Mr. and Mra. Whit of Abbeville were guest of and Mra. Joel Mabry on Sundav.

Mr, c. A. Nlcklea and Mrs. Allen White and Bobby apent Wednesday with Mrs. W.

Townsend near Anderson. ed In Newry Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Odell Moore and children spent Sunday with Mra.

Moore's parent. Mr. and Mr. Nelson In Edgefield. Mrs.

J. P. Oordon spent several days with her aon If. Oordon and family this week. HDTPOINT rWrica'i Dectrk Rant New, bnpmetl Calrod Aatomatie Ovei.

Ample Stongt Space Handy Tlvift Geoker A revival meeting will start at tht Ninety Six Pentencoatal Uollneaa Church March II and will continue through March 27. Tht Rev. W. Elliott, pastor brother of Blto City, ft. la tht tvangella.t Service art held tach evening at 7, o'clock and Sunday morning at eleven.

Tht pastor and tht congregation Invito all to help In tha crusade for soul. Ninety Sis Gaaaa Tearaataeat Olrt Scout Troop 10 at Ninety Six la sponsoring a gam tournament at the Ninety Six high school build I rut Tuesday afternoon at 1:20. Ad mission will be 80 cents per person. The girls art working toward pay tng part of their camp tultoo for this summer. Reeeive Nerving Pta In and annual "Whit Night" ceremonies held at Emory Urtlver-tltx, this week Ml PiicUla Thornton Adam of 106 St Oreenwood.

received her registered nurse pin and donned a white nurse' uniform for tht first lime. Emory Hospital Chaplain L. M. Twiggs pronounced the Invocation and gave Die benediction and Dean of Administration Bolsfeulllet Jonas Tare tht farewell address. Ml Adams has now officially completed her count although diplomas ill not be awarded until June.

She la the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Adams.

Lander Pragrsta At It art 11 Dr. Boye M. Orler, president of Lander College, will be mterrlrwed on the subject of tha eollegt over radio station WKLY of UartwelL Oa Sunday afternoon from 2:18 to 2:4) by Louie Morris, editor of The Hartwell Sun. Mrs. Orler will accompany Dr.

Orler to Hart well, where tht public Is Invited to visit tht radio station to greet tht guest from Oreenwood. Over the same station A under, May 8, at 2:00 p. tha Lander College Lyrlkers will present a program of songs under tht direction of Miss Constance Cody King, assistant professor of music. N. C.

Child, 2, Killed By Father's Truck Salisbury. N. March 12-4fV-A two-year-old Rowan child died beneath the wheela of hla father's truck this morning In a tragic acd-; dent 1 Oelmar M. Huffman, of the Goodman Lake road, drove away1 from his home with a load of pro- 1 duce tfxmt' 9:00 a. m.

without knowing child had been under' the truck. Called to the yard by shrieks of the boys' playmate, the horror- stricken mother phoned a neighbor who nagged down Mr. Huffman on the way to town and revealed the tragic new. Ho Ying-chin New Premier Of China Nanking. March 12 HP) Oen Ho Tlng-Chln became premier of Nationalist China today.

Peace talks with the Communists awr formation of his cabinet. Acting President LI Tsung-Jen's choice to succeed Dr. Sun Fo was approved by the legislative Yuan at a special session. The vote was 209 to 30. There ha been no Communist reaction to Ho as premier.

He had been considered the most likely man for the premiership since Sun resigned Tuesday. COMPENSATION Abbeville. March 12 (Special) A total compensation amounting to I13.S83 was paid to 395 case in Abbeville County by the SoutftHtiro-lina Industrial Commission during eh 1947-48 fiscal year, according to the annual report Just made public Of the total $5,522 waa expended for medical expenses- No deaths were reported. Where jg Aadrewa To Teach Baraeae DeVort Andrewa wUi Uach tht Men's Baraca CUea of tha Plrrt Baptist Church tomorrow morning. Sunday, March lJth, Service will becln at 10:00 a.

m. MeteereUgleal Aid An examination for probation! (permanent) appointment to the potiuoa of Meteorological Aid In tha CP-4, SP-a, and SP-6 grade haa been aonnouitced by the Weather Bureau. Entrance eelarle ranrt from 13496 to $3674 per an num. Arrive It Gerusaay Recruit Chance Dewey William eon of Mr. and Mr.

Kay Willi am of Routt three, Oreenwood, ha ar- rived In Berrhleagardrn. Oarmany. He received hi training at Port Jackson and on Deo, 26 waa tent to Camp Kilmer. N. J.

Jan. 16 he illed for oversea. He attended tht city achooU of Oreenwood and worked for Rldle-huber Construction for a time. At the time he entered the Army he was working at Mathew M11L 111 addrea now la Ret Chan XX Williams, RA 14283839, 7631 8. O.

A. P. O. 841 Berchtesgarden Reo. Area, cart Potmater, New Tori, N.

T. Teaag Married Cetplea CUa C. D. Strait win teach the Young Married Couple CUa at Main Street MrthodUt Church Sunday morning. Mr.

Strait recently moved to Oreenwood from Marietta, Oa, and la with the Oreenwood Chemical Company. Tht leaaon Sunday consider Jesus a tha great physician, hla healing of mental, physical and moral ill ness, continuing tht aerlca of lea-ions on tht work of Jesu. Reealvea Appetatateat P. M. Oarvln, Jr haa been appointed assistant agricultural engl-neer with headquarter at Clemaon.

Tht appointment was mad by Di rector D. W. Watklna of Clemaon Collet Extension Service. Mr. Oarvln la tha eon of P.

M. Oarvln, 8r, Oreenwood County Agricultural Agent, and finished at Clemaon only last month. Britain Sends More Troops To Red Sea London. March 12 WV- Britain ordered nor troops today to reinforce tht British garrison at Aqaba, tiny Red Bee port which Trans-Jordan claims la threatened by Israeli forces. Tht announcement of troop reinforcement waa mad by the War Office after iaraeU soldiers were reported only three miles away from Aaaba.

on tht Palestine side of the desert frontier. Although Israel and Trans-Jor dan signed a cease fire agreement yesterday at Rhode, tht British troops movement underlined the serious view that tha London government took of tht Israeli move In tha Kegev desert. Uirdster of State Rector McNeil told the House of Commons yester- bad reported a frontier claah between Israeli forces and Trans-Jor dan polict In the region. In Tel Avlr, Israeli officials denied that Jewish forces have crossed tha Trans-Jordan frontier or In tend any threat to British forces. About 1,000 British troops were sent to Aqaba last January at Abdullah's request under British-Trans-Jordan mutual defense treat Tht War Office refused Information on tht size of tht British rein forcements or where they wert sent fiom.

A foreign Office spokesman said Israeli troops were reported on the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, across tht Palestine-Trans-Jordan border from Aqaba. Tha touchy situation at the bead of the Gulf of Aqaba arises from the Israeli claim to tha southern sector of tht Palestine Negev desert which would give Israel an outlet to the Red Sea. Britain and Trans-Jordan never have recognized Israel's claim to the Red Sea outlet Market Steps Ahead Timidly New York. March 12 The stock market timidly stepped ahead today, apparently a bit tired out af ter yesterday's substantial rise. Gains for favored issues ran rrom fractions around a point, with the great majority in fractions.

Numerous Issues remained at Fri day's close and a handful backed down a trifle. Stocks higher most of the day in cluded V. 8, Steel. Oeneral Mo tors, Chrysler, Firestone, J. I.

Case, Schenley, American. Telephone, Electric Power St Light, Conaoll dateoT Natural Oas. Cr-ro de Pasco, Phelps Dodge, Air Reduction, West- Inghouse Electric. J. C.

Penney, Mission Skelly OU, Paramount Pictures, and Nickel Plata. Greenwood county will receive 11.631 oa from the rtvtnut of th lojrr acr la this county tn th Lone cum Division of tht Bumter National Porest. Thla represents fourth of tht acreage In I hi county, according to Information received from R. J. Rlebold, supervisor of tho South Carolina National Tor.

Other tounUa In tho Long Can 61 Titian, with their aoreaga In national (arWi and Income from them art: Abbeville. J7 icra and I3.M1.S7; Edgefield. JMJS utm and MJM.M; MoOormlck. 47.480 aero and MJT3M; Saluda. U34 acres and IdM.

Tbo prlndpal aouret of revenue in tht Matlonal Forest la from th aalo of Umber, althouch emaller amounta art received from tht ren-UI of farm land and gracing fee Tha amount of Umber cut from tht two national fortaU In thl rUU ni I9300.0W board feet, of which ta par conk waa sawtlinber. Pulp-wood from thinning madt up tht rest. Each county recetvee Ita ahart of tho receipt on an area basla. mardtcaa of where tht tlmbtr waa actually cut In tht National Pomt. A total of M7.TJ180 haa been for.

warded to tht atatt treasurer for distribution to tht II countle In thla tU In tht Bumttr and Francis Marlon National Poreata. ThU ta tht larfwt amount paid In any year for tht National Forests ta tht tat, and represent one-fourth of tht receipt In tht fortata for tht past ftaca! year. Tht 29 per cent return la la place of Usee. Union tounty, with 13.T74 am WtH rtcthrt tht largest amount ot any npatatt county, ta.lM.47. NVw-berry and Oronet counties, each wtth over MAOO acres, win recttrt ttJOOO.

Berkeley eountv fat tht Pren-rla Martoa fortaU wfll race! re J. New Arrival Fostorta Crystal Ort ton Jewelry Co. A Bhow of Baautlful Olfta IDOt PBONE3 6001 JAMES C. HEMPHILL ARCHITECT Crratnwood Sou. Car.

307-201 Hodges Bide P. a Box 417 Phone 2986 Laat Tun Tonight "The Big Fix" First Run in Oreenwood Also: ftSt COMEDY AUTO (DRIVE-IN) THEATRE Augusta Road Village Theatre Saturday Only mux JUSTICE Dtora Open 2:58 P. M. Late Show Tonight Feature Starts 18 P. M.

"Arc YoU With It?" DONALD O'CONNOR And Olga San Juan To The Voters Of Word One: I take this means to thank you for the splendid vote given me in Tuesday's primary. I assure you that I will serve you and the people of Greenwood' to the of my ability. J. L. Hollingsworth i Tha Rev.

IL Patteraon of Ou-nbla, executlva atcrttary of the Synod of South Carolina, will preach for a revival aertea, March 12-20, at Second Presbyterian Church la South Oreenwood. The morning services tomorrow and next Sunday will be held la Mathews Community Hall at 11 o'clock and all evening service Sunday through Friday win be at Ma the we Methodist Church, at o'clock. County Health Department Schedule Oreenwood County Health De partment schedule of activities for tht week of March 14 through March II: Meerfay Visual purvey. Wart Shoal SchooL Oeneral clink at the Health Department In Oreenwood, Clinician. Dr.

M. J. Bogga, Jr. W4 B9w4ty Dr. W.

a Bishop win conduct a clinic for expectant mothers at the Health Department in Oreenwood Registration begins at 1 p. m. Dr. J. A.

Faulkner will conduct a clinic for expectant mother at the Health Center In Ktnety Six from 2 to 4 m. Tkarsday A clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of venereal disease will be conducted by Dr. W. O. Bishop at tht Oreenwood County Health Department Building 1 to 2 p.

m. Friday Oeneral 'clinic at tht Ninety BU Center 10 a. m. to 12 noon, leneral clinic at tht Wart Shoals iealth Center 2 p. m.

to 4 p. Saturday Oeneral clinic at tht Oreenwood bounty Health Department m. .0 12 noon. FOB GEORGI REED Funeral service for Oeorgt Reed, 4 tht Cokesbury community, wlU held at I o'clock, Sunday from tht pint Grove A Church, Hodge. Tht aervioea will be conducted by tht Rev.

White of Clinton. Interment will follow lr th church cemetery. George had been In declining health for several months but wat still very active. Monday night hH condition became serious and death ollowed within a few minute. He had lived In the Cokesbury -ommunlty for a number of years xd4 waa a member and trustee of Grove Church.

Surviving ar his wife. EUa Reed: wo sons, William Henry and Oeorgt Reed, Jr, Oreenwood; one daughter, LUllt M. Coleman. Hodges; fir brothers, Charlie and Prank Reed, address unknown: Mack Reed, Passaic, N. Willi and Thomas Reed, Honea path; 16 grandchildren and one great- grandchild.

Tht body will be at the famll) residence after o'clock thla afternoon. Parka Funeral Home Bamtaaa Beverages Chartered Columbia, March 12 ye) A charter for Bantam Beverages, at Oreenwood was on file with Secretary of. State today. Tha firm la chartered with $3,000 capital stock and Sterghos as president Builders Buy ROOFING COMPLETE STOCK I 1 fit mi mm bill Qi alltf if ytsr Dkniia! Rigtttinl will tlii Anirtcii Gib Siclity? Be ie ear, when yea bar a DUeaterf. Cet a deuQ4 eecripii ef ike eeW, auw Us Diai seas erlearll rally, ad it eel besilelt reeerd la irUd ike inarl dea ef lkir eraalitr Htk kke Jeans tf Presslcy, Inc.

ieti wto jJfKt giaaeeit i NO. Old Poat Offlet Building. Nlnet Six. Na 4 North Mara Street, AbbtVflltk NO. I Drive-In ind Pick-Up Bntraaet to Mala Plant off Matbtwa Road.

I iji; uwsmi. mtm miih i YOUR LAUfWY nm RANGE N. Gentle jhandHrtif of everything laundered at Grendel Laundry insures the least possible loss of fabric strength. Scientific methods 'of careful washing with gentle 1 cleansers, protect and preserve precious 4 textiles. See it! Compare it! Here'l America's leading electric range built by Hotpoint the pioneer atM pacemaker in' the electric appliance field.

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DURST AVE. EXT. DIAL 5673 GREEW700D SUPPLY CO. Maxwell Avenue Dial 2241.

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