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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 5

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 5

The Index-Journali
Greenwood, South Carolina
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Barf icld Died Here Brief City News A. Home Dies Litri uouirl nri Yesterday a- IM BOO aa eaaMs Cain a amotaet aa un Long Illness Juhnni A. Horns, to, wil known rts wsrsataMs. ctuara and mired farmer af eeaalae am a a' tr a aaa ea April "January Thaw." eomedy In thr act, will to praam ted a4 Orreo wood Riga School auditorium Monday arerung. Aprs at I eelock.

The pr ana presented by th Furmao Unrmslty FUyrre, spoa-tared by OfMaavotf ehapur af the Junior Chamber of Ccawsatrea. Tha seat of 30 pUyer tndudea pearl Payne af Oreanwwod and Mary Ana Jeffries, tccmerty of Of aenwood. Orrenwood aounty, died yesterday sfternooa al tour attack at his home la lha Ok Orova eomm unity of this county. Mr. Horn bad WtniftfTr-Aniaf tea 1 Ct.

SOA an IU for a long lime and had been confined ta hla bad sine Dee. IM7. ISSbj Mr. Horn was bora Da. IT.

i 4 I laTf and was a son af John and Annie Hastings Horns, bout ami- has having been residents of their community tor many years. Mr Horn spent his mllr llf at this 85 Methodist Young People AttendMeet tUhty-llva MethodlM young people from churches of tha Orat-wood eua-dwirtrt will aueod lha ena-day Method ut Youth CUvw land Ctaeranra ta ba held toanor row al Parker High School ta OraaovOla. Tha teal group wta leave by special buesa al aclorfc tomorrow morning from Mala Street Metha diet Church, and wtQ start tha return trip from Parker at I a'clock tomorrow night. Tha Bar. B.

It Tucker, pastor af lha Uwoll Street Methodtot Church and director of tha Methodi Youth fellowships for tha tubals trtct. announces that the will ba a aounesUor for xh rone young people. Tha aounssUort wUl be aa-igned as tha groups enter tha buses lomorrow morning and each eounseuor will keep la touch with a group throughout tha day. The autnbsr planning to attend from each church In tha Greenwood eub-dlstrtct I aa follows: Lowell Street Church. Mala SuwrU IT; Mathews.

IT; OaQoway Memorial. Panola. I. Cambridge of irinet SUl. Tranquil.

S. Jap Gongs. Flute, Priest Gave Pair Rare community and had bran MeaAey Tha pr-orc41mol ctlnla will be hold al Blake arhool Monday, April U. traa la II o'clock. Forty-elihl pupils were rondtod at tha Leslie cUnM Monday, end 17 al Magnolia Wednesday.

tUU Offtoo ai WtoUrop in farming until his retirement Dpcndiblt Water Syttcmt Lancaster Red Jacket r- Jim ay Barftald. II. died yesterday afteraooa si aa o'clock al Qreaaweod lloepltel, Mr. Barflsld was a soa ike lata RUhard aad Mary Barfleld. af Karshsw.

bad mad hi bom la Ores a wood for tbo peat II years where ba bad bees la teitfle work. It waa a member of Jordsa Street Baptist ekarrh. His asaay ftiaada sad weed aaa will ba grieved la tears af bis pasalsg. Sarvlvlsg ar bis wife, tb for mar Mlaa Ella Ooff; two aoas. ICeory Fava, Oa aad James Lao, Soslb Oraeawood: Ik re sla-tars.

Mrs. Clsreaee A. Da via. Col a tart a. Mrs, H.

A. Hewitt, Isar taabarg aad Mrs. Jobs Does, Wlsaabora; lw broth era, Eddl ssd WUl BsrfUld. Wlsaaborat aad sit grasdrhlldr. Faaaral aarvtcea will ba bald from Jardaa Street Baptist Charcb Satsrday sftarsooa si I O'clock with Ik Bar.

Tray Ood-wla, th Ber. J. E. Willi, sad the Rav. W.

D. Cblldrwas, otttel. at lag. I a tar meat will follow Is Elm wood Cass alary, Nlaety tlx. Tb following aphw will are a pallbearers: rover Ooff, Billy Ba Ooff, H.

A. Mallear. Jea-ste Rallew. J. B.

Ballaw, ssd Coll Tbompeoa. Tbo body Is si tb bom af ktt bob Leo Barfleld. 4a Oreea soma Urn ago. Ha was hold to high esteem by hla neighbors and by aU llll THERE'S A Bright who knew him. bad been a member of Pttrivfehlp Holiness rtarrtna Baker of Orrenwood was elected ana of tha cheerleader of church on tha Orrenwood-Sahtds tha ruing suphoenor claaa al Wuv lugnway fur a long urn ana was sa actlv worker to hi church.

if On Pebruary II. Itsg Mr. Horns as married to Mls Bats Smith throp Coueg la auctions held ra ernuy. Anna Owens of CUnion was named treasurer. Nancy Chapenaa of Ooldvlll we ctd oaa af lha paranatal seneUsa; Barrta Jean uture DEEP WELL PUMPS H.P.

H.P. also of thla section. Sha Is daughter of lha law Saba and Martha I 5k. Winaerd of Cunioa was nanv Smith. On pvb.

It, Itts Mr. snd Uanporary senator and Virginia DanUtor af Abbeville waa (tamed Mrs, Horn celebrated their sixtieth snnlveraary. In tha notice of thla a BMtakr of tha danc commute. sixtieth anniversary In Th Index- Wo csn Install thsa I pumpt snd famish si ta Ore Tha Oraoa Oospel Bond of Journal Is at led that at that tima Mr. and Mrs.

Hum war still living to th him which they began housekeeping after their mar rlag sixty years ago. A list of their vsnlxed pips. OreeovOl alii randar a procraa Balurday Bight at I at tha Houaa street. Boa Oroeawood la awslt Lulu Adams, woman clown, marches around lha Madtemi Square Oarden arena, playing a aarplpejkt the opening performance of lha Ring ling Brothers and Bamum Ai Bailey circus In New York, Tl day before, hrr husband and fellow -clown, Albert Adams, drop pad dead of heart attack while making radio broadcast. Lulu is the only female clown In the show, Her set drew rounds of spptausa.

(AP Wtrrphoto. tas soar or aervtea, HarUy Faaaral Homo, of Pram oat Marina treat. Ho aa nlaaioft al tha door. tUuta al M. Looa Ckan April raarar, Tha MoouUih! and Ouapel JubUao fl4e.

Teanole Biuara via appear al 8L Luko a mm mi Iaurens Exchange Club Plans Street Oance For April 16 Crane Bathroom fir Kitchtn Fixtures Ws cab also iurnita pipt for IntUlUUon. Holm 1 Church la Butteriovn to tot tit Una wbocaooeet Towl Sterling pattern! Ta.i heavenly i7f silver aromiiti a IifcjisM a a1 loorcr of beauty a yet it not expentivtf A tinglt plact Ktiing includes knife, fork, teaspoon, talad' fork, cream soup ipooa, butter spreader, ana1 costi tt little including 10 Fdcnl Tag tcarcelr nort than bridal bouquet! OREGON JEWELRY CO. A Shop of Beaatlfal Olfts too mi tmm ta Me OHesOol Two Thousand Guests View Show; Top Awards Listed asorrov night at 1 10. Taenrae MW ToaOgM Tha Oroeawood County ChopUf living children waa given In In no-tic and Mrs. Horn recalled that thru- wedding day tell on the third Sunday of pebruary Its.

Mr. Horn la survived by his wife, snd by th following children: Mrs. Catherine I Inline, of Saluda, R-PJX. Mrs. East Woods 11.

and Mrs. Margie Saxon, all of Saluda; and four son. J. O. Home, of Ninety Six.

RJJ), Jim C. Horn. Carson Home, and Osborne Home, all of Ninety Six. Also surviving are seventeen grandchildren, fir greatgrandchildren snd an half -staler, Mrs. Rosa Chancy, of Ssluds.

funeral services win held at three o'ltock Saturday afternoon from Friendship Holiness church with services conducted by tha Rev. A. W. Denns, th Rev. O.

T. Sat of tha radaratad Porcoa lor latnpar. anca arUl anae at tonight at tha rirat Baptist Church. The Rrv. For th third eoneaeulir year, th Exchange Club Laurens sponsoring a Street Dane ta ba held Thursday night.

April l. aa th East aid of th squar to Lsurena. Music for square dancing wtQ ba furnished by later Todd and bis flve-piec band. Th Bmbttra. TVkeU will ba sold al tha aano.

which begins at I o'clock. Proceed Maila Coillna of Columbia, recantly Thai, ntmomrH lha Xavy fnaamoanler and the rrdhaJred gtrt eras) Jwet a beeMrtlrol tajr-owey mi nay for thrtr oVoortairo from Tokyo. The girl Mlaa Kll (liorrh, BN, eojrollod a aa (M-eatlol laJMPoar Modeail at the t'alveeafty af WsArngtoet. tw4 Its, oftar bar orrlvol Urt faJL Rocawtly, oba ttwalated a AurooMWt tha prtea had glveo bar. It waa a outrrUce orrtif kosa.

And. oipUlned aha mlrod tected eacraur of tha auta organ tat lion. aiU ba gUMt aprakar and thcra artO ba a Km on tamperanea Delegataa baa baoo named to at CREENW00D 'SUPPLY CO. HOTPOINT Maxwell Awoaw Dial 224! ksom lha danot wia go to charity. tend from each church la tha city but tha matting not ttmhad members and dolegataa and tha Mrs.

Douglas PeaUierituna and Mrs, Oeorge Byrd won the twerp-statu awards of tha 8prlng Symphony flower show, held her yesterday at the Orrrnwo-id Armory, under the chalrmrnshlp of Mrs. Oeorg Rush and Mrc aut Wilkin. flower lovers, estimated at two thousAiid, from 47 loans viewed the show from two In the afternoon until ten last night. Two silver loving cut were awarded the sweepntakes sinners by the Greenwood Prderstlnn of Oarden Cuba. The awards were mads for winning the moat blue ribbon in the arrangement and TONIGHT 7 A cher snd th Ret.

Mr. Pitts. Inter tTrlrrVfc W. New (TV-Ownership of Ufa Insuranca la tha United SU'as baa mora thaa guadruoied stoo im Three purple ribbons swarded for the most outstanding entile In three merit classes wore: Mrs. Ptsthcrstone for an arrangement Interpreting the mood, exultation; Mrs.

Henry Thayer, Jr, and Mrs Nerl Cryme for their table, breakfast at the lodge; and for the garden, 'End of the TraU" done by a commit tea. The two trl-color ribbons were awarded the most outstanding ar rangrment and horticultural eo-trie in competitive claasea. Mrs. Draey Jchnson was swarded the trl-clor ribbon for her entry of long spurred columbine and Mrs. Pratherstone for aa arrangement of aU green plant material.

Among those listed on tha guest register at the show wet some public Is cordially Invitad. Tooth ftrrhwl today M1M Bernlro BUiut from tha Church of Qui Bible Training Gloria Theatre Matty Mi, B. C. merit win follow ta tha adjoining cemetery of the church. Following la a Hat of that who have been requested to senr ss pallbearers: Stanley Wilson.

J. Cal White, Ancel Hamilton. Howard Adams, Elbert Dora, Howard Mun-dy and Milton Johnson. Blyth 1 Servic. School.

Cleveland. Tenn, will begin a youth revival at the South a ram- YOU'LL DE WAY iUIEiU) Oh wood Church of Ooa Apru 11. 1 Orrtces oach evening at p. We art extending a cordial Invl- UUoa to aa the young people In The dew art ore iiinwimy ar loaJly waa a Mhbtio BMrrtag' Hloal. The saarrlaa waa aaaoilrd, so the greerf rrllef of both, by Hoaertur Jodg Alfred J.

Frits hero yeaterday. Kbeewola, S4. a aorUlly peuwIaeBl aaa Proarlara rhaaa Cora oiorailvo, alrrody waa married and tha father of three rhllilrra. Ha and hi wife had bom separated etaro lata, ban" were re or lied after hta re farm. That aolllflrd aa later oratory divorce aot flaal fur a year -which has wife bad ob-talaad Uat July.

South Of ran wood and community to attend tha youth revival. horUcultural claaam. Mrs. miner-stone won for blue ribbon arrangement entries and Mrs. Byrd for blue ribbon horticultural entries.

These cups, awarded first in 1038. when the federation held its lat full scale show, were dlr played st the ahow yesterday. from Port Knox, Ky Atlanta, J. Oa Franklin Georgia; Sarasota, Pis, Binning- Mlaa Stout haa taken special training youth work and haa tha ham. Lanover.

Md, Knoivllle, Touna oroule 00 hrr heart. Sha Dies At 68 snd Bonn. N. C. will use Usual aid along with other COMPItETC INSURANCE SERVICE O.M.

Dantzler Agency Jack Lawrence, Solicitor 11 COURT ST. mOJE 471 Anti-Lynch Bill I Gets Top Priority Stock Average Touches New Top useful work to make the aenrtco IntarcaUng for all We will be look Ing for you each evening. W. D. Childara.

Pastor. Waatber rorecast ta Aprt II An axtandad weather orecaat for North and South Carolina from Vandenberg May Influence Result In Nebraska Vote Food coete tared Loaa froqisent trips to your grocor Fowor trip to frootor locker Coarottlaacoa ba yoarr botno WITH A General Electric HOME FTlEEZEri 4 And 8 Cm. FL ModoU After ualnf ont of theis Itctriesl ervsnts you'll wonder how yoo ever got Along without it. ATAILABLE OPtB On crrc tixi-pat5t pliji LONG-AITDriEVG, HlC. Jobs Oraage Franklin, of 133 Salads Koad died at Greenwood Hospital tbla morning st flv o'clock following SB lllnes of eight months.

Mr. Franklin. 61, was the son of th late Thompson and liaiuil C. Orlffen Franklla, ot well known families of Newberry. Surviving ar oaa daagbtar, Mr.

Blanch F. Jonas and on p. m. tonight ta 1:10 p. m.

Wednes day. April 14. la reponea aa 101 lows by The Associated Presa: Temperatures will average near By GOP Senators Washington, April Republican aeoators voted today to give a federal anti-lymb bill top priority In tb Senate among rlvll right meaiures. It probably will offered on the Senate floor in the nnt few weeks. Senator Tart (H Ohio) ealtl antl-lynch was placed ahead of anti-poll tas and antl-dln rlii.lnatlon normal In the Carolina.

Cooler tonight, slowly rising temperatures son C. E. Krsnklln, both of South Oraeawood. I Saturday afternoon through Mon awMaj New York. April CV-While exceptions were plentiful, tha stock market average today touched a new top level for the year with the rails at another high sine Aucuat, 1B46.

At pesks for the yesr or longer were Union Carbide ion talk of a lifted dividend). Canadian Pacific, Southern Pacific, Illinois Central, Nickel Plate Railroad. Hiram Walk-rr. phelo Dodze, International Paper and Warren Petroleum. Ahfad most of the day wet Eethlrhcm Steel.

U. 8. Rubber, Douglas Aircraft, Boeing. Schenley, Allied Chemical, Pacific Western 11, anta Fe, Southern Railway. Great Northern Railway and Atlantic Coast Line.

By Jack Brll Omaha. April Tha possibility developed today thst Senator Arthur Vandenberg wbo aayt be Uu't running may Influence the results of Nebraska'a O. 0. P. presidential primary.

Vandenberg Is on of seven day, cooler Tuesday night or Wed nasday. Precipitation moderate, oc tuning aa shower and thunder ahowrrs Monday and Tuesday. Funeral arrangements ar la-complete and will be announced later by the Harley Funeral Home. whose namea have bra entered a a aaa a PVNUtAL grNDAT AT a measures be: ue tha GOP aena- FOB BROOKS EVANS. JR.

Brooks Evans, died Monday ka Republlrana will aay tht-n what I men they would like the party to 10 DEATHS And FUNERALS night at 11:05 at hi home War aomlnaia for Prealdent at the Jane said ne ociieves personally SorV-i Shoals after an illness of three Sales there la a good chance the Senuie will limit debate this lima In or- days. He was the son of tha Uta nnaampnua ronveouon. Th Mli-hlean unitnr lan't ram- "2fl I airuNT tovti I SMS A BrooM ana aiarian i t. in Thl. in iaci, na irieo 10 in Tn hi.

ehiMhand ha feinad th paigning. prevent a nnnuster ny soutnern Democrat. PortvlU Baptist Church which bis nsm withdrawn. Thla waa ssrrrd fslthfully until death. He la tb hla debated ststemenls ill wss a member of Masonic Lodge NKW YORK CITRUS New York, April iJP Cot-t I-turc opened 60 cents a bale hleher to II cents lower.

Noon prlcea were 41 cents a halt- lower to 34 cents higher than th prevloua cloae. May la a draft mova- aot "connive" ment. Taft Is chairman of the Republican policy committee which euggested thla strategy today to a closed conference of all GOP senators. sa Na 1A1 New Prospoct, of War 8hoals. His wife was the fete 8111 Mc-Cant Evans.

Surviving ar three eons. Charles and Roy Evans of Donald; snd Qulcton Evans, Abbs ville: two daughters. Oar lea Hall of 33.47 MRS. MARY J. FtEQlEEON McConnlck.

April Mrs. Mary Jans Purqueron. 90. died lata Thursday afternoon at the home of her daughter. Mrs.

L. J. Taylor, In Columbia following a brief illness. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. 8he wss daughter of John Francis and Augustus Harris Edmunds of McCormlck, and a member of Order of Eastern Star snd McCormlck Methodist Church.

Surviving are flv daughters, Mr. Taylor. Mra. E. E.

Wayland of Beaten Up Editor May Recover .16.67. July 35. ti and Oct Pr.CI. May -tt. July It.

18 October 32. 56 Iecember 31.84 March 31. tt May 31.31 Open 16. tl 35. 3251 31.85 11.42 31.31 Catch-Ail Plan To Catch Communists -In U.

S. Promised Washington, April I. -A catch-all plan for catching Communist wss promised today by th Hous un-American activities com- 1 Ninety Six. and Marian Evans of Donalds' thrra brothers, Thomas. TEEN-AGE TARS" A NEW 8 Jollet.

I1L, April 9. -VPV- Victim of savage beating Wednesday night, William R. McCabe, 65, Jollet publisher and a former atate GRAIN LTV RE 8 ButtC. IWIalaIn nm.lnal In xvillnal rnn. Chicago.

April -HV-Orains Today St Saturday I tsimwii t-waa. ndwuuiiig iibiwiwiw were steady at the opening on the Beard of Trade today. The market "good chance" to re- said ha has a cover. Charlotte, Mrs. C- O.

Boyd of Savannah, Mra. M. Young of Clinton. Mrs. Jack Scruggs, of McCormlck; two sons, J.

W. Purqueron of McCormlck snd W. P. rurqueroa of Henderson, N. two sisters, Mrs.

T. J. Price snd Miss Fannie Edmunds of McCormlck; two brothers, J. Z. Edmunds of McCormlck and W.

P. Edmunds of Au was awaiting the government crop Clyde and Philip Evans ot Hone Path; three grandchildren, two uncles, Andy and Hamp Neely of Pountaln Inn Punersl service; will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:10 o'clock from the Dunn Creek Baptist Church by tha Rev. O. E. Good.

Pallbearer will be six of the members of Lodge 1A3 and the flowerbsarers will ba six of tha nsherglrls. Interment will ba In the church cemetery. After I o'clock Saturday tha body will ba carried to the residenc to awslt the servic hour. Robinson and Son Mortuary. report, due after the close.

SPECIAL SCISSOR JACKS nccular 6.95 Value $998 With Material To Mako HandU name used told a reporter th plan will embrace: An over-all legislation program Including complete new bills, a-mendmenta toexisting laws snd recommendations on now the Justice Department should enforce present' Wheat started '1-4 cent lower to Meanwhile Investigators were checking various angles, including politics snd gambling, which McCabe fought editorially. In an effort to learn the motive for the virlous sttack. a one higher. May 13.49; corn was unchanged to 3-4 higher; May $126 and oats ere 1-3 lower to 3-8 hlche'. riiy 8M5 1-4-1-8 gusts; 34 grandchildren and 30 bacomas grea i-granacnuaren.

Until the hour of the funeral the body will be st the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. purqueron.

ones. Chairman J. Parnell Thomas (R-NJ) haa said the committee is working on a report that will rap Attorney Oeneral Clark for what Thomas called laxity In enforcing laws. Jaywalkers Get 'Guardian Angels' fe I aM'WrUlACI aa.aA W-uaa--JT SPECIAL Vlxard Deluxe OATTERT Robert Lee Beasley Dies In Hospital Early Today (Continued from Pags One) ALIWAGLMl'-'l Gas Tank Blast At Charlotte Kills One Charlotte, N. April I.

-MFh-One man was killed and another injured today when a gas tank ex ploded at Trail mobile, a hug repair shop, on North Try on street here. Hospital report were that Raymond Knight was seriously hurt Willie 8mlth wss killed. ley, and Otis Bessley, Donalds; JTOM OIAKE 6QB0TUT PATtlCK fiUOYS 0RC lON AMES First Showing Serial Cartoon Novelty Edgar Beasley. Hones Path, fall-bearers have been requested to meet at the borne at 3:30 Saturday afternoon. Honorary pa 11 bear ere will be Milton H.

Palmer. Hodges; Roy Corburn, Dud Smith, and Clinton Ouzta, Greenwood; Jamea Adama, Hodgea: John Coleman snd Frank peddit. Ware Shoals; J. A. MrCov.

M. L. Smith. James tni ni'wwsaa Jin aiaiaijji a sun a ZYrp I -WW' i -'J i 1 Lx -v jsJ7irw- irr u. oW JUST RECEIVED Limited Number 9i 12 LmOLEUTl RUGS 6o95 "4 10.95 Poles Are 92 Per Cent Catholic Faith Walker, Leland Walker, Bradley Singleton, Donalds; Frank Davis Guaranteed 2 Years snd Leo McClsin, Honea ram.

The followins nieces are to Warsaw, Poland VP) Poland is 92 per cent Catholic, according to Church statistics just released. They thst of Pound's 34.000.009 people, a total of 21,341,000 are Catholics. Now .95 Today Saturday All Newt ty Roy Roncrs t' 1 kMU VvM A3 serve ss flower girls: Matti Lou Beaaley, Sybil Davis, and Grace pence, Honea Path; Miss lady a Graham, Abbeville; Misaes Ines And Yonr Old Battery Ta kava battery for every auk ear! Yocr FIRESTONE Store Bessley. Catherine ueasiey. aaa Belva Smith, Donalds; snd Miss Laura Madison, Wsro Shoals.

Tha hnitv will ha a't tha home Th capital city of Warsaw Is per cent Catholic There ar also 1.200 Methodist and 300 Baptists hare. Jews In Poland number between 05,000 snd 10500. Most Jews ar centered in Lower Silesia around Wroclaw; in the textiles center of Lodx, snd In western Pomerania around tha city of Szczecin. W. LEAR of J.

Beasley 'after seven p. m. tonignt. Blyth Service. I i i ANYTHING FOR HOME AND AUTO North Main St Phono 71.

Ranchero la Color X. Is IsEiUlY Pedestrians in Ravenna, Ohio, were a bit startled when confronted by a pair of winged angel garbed In white gownsand bobby-sox. The "angels" warned against ignoring traffic lights and distributed pamphlets telling how many fatal sccidents ar caused by jay wav- The heavenly helpers pictured above kre Carole Ann Freiss, left, and Bridget Romano. Washington lfy Ths 3.900,000 births In the United States In 1947 wer 400.000 mora than in 1948, a yesr which also set an all-time V. 8.

record for births. NKW SERIAL Th officers' club la tb Presidio, San Francisco, military reservation, was the first building to be erected in 8an I CARTOONS Obi foil Vala M. vw 4 i..

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