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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 4

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina • Page 4

The Index-Journali
Greenwood, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


'Store AwnHVEnGAnir THE INDEX-JOURNAL "Tfc Lslls swtssr Wsstsra Sotn CaroHaa 1 Ths Orcnwod Journal established August 1. 1S4 Ths Greenwood Index established November 7, 1897 The Journal and Tha Index consolidated Jan. M. llt Published Daily, Sunday and Trl-Weekly By THE INDEX-JOURNAL COMPANY At 11 Maxwell Avenu H. h.

WATSON, President MRS. J. 8. Vice-President minlstrative head" it is but saying what this paper and many others have been saying for years was the' great heed for every county In the State. The grand Jury says "Richland county needs a head." What It means is that there should be ft simple system of administration in which capable and efficient service would be open and known of all men and all sorts of fancy funny business in the name of "politics" would not be the natural and normal HEAVY DOCKET FOR LAURENS SESSION i veMurders, One RapQ And One Incest Among The Charges LAURENS, 33 Five murder cases, one rape case and one incest case, besides approximately 75 others of various degree, are sche NEW

JUPew A TT-. T7 ARTHUR LEE. game, originated mong the children of upper Manhattan, has been taken up by adults; It's called For to' eign Cars. By foreign is meant any Few cltisens seem to give a whoop whether their county or their city is efficiently managed or not The county system or the lack of it In South Car olina is notorious. It should be changed from its present cumbersome structure to a simple and modern plan.

Money would be saved and more efficient service secured, OF NEW FALL STYLES III NEW FALL GOODS This applies to all counties. car from outside New York state. The Idea is to guess tur, among more sophisticated adults, to bet) bow many out-of-state cars youll see In a block. It's an exciting game in certain areas of Manhattan, and dull In other neighborhoods. For instance, on Riverside Drive it's posi duled, for trial in the September J.

a BAIliY, 1919-1035 Entered at the Greenwood Postoffloe aa Mail Hatter of tha Second Clasa 4 TERMS OF aCBSCHirTlOW IN C1TT: On year. JS.oo: aix montha. 1 0 thro Months. one month, 74 oenu; one week, Zf cent Payable In advance. 4 BY MAIL: Within radius of IS mllea One year, slm montha ia.60 outside of city On0 year.

I 5 SO six months 12.60 three montha, one month, 7S cents. Payable Invariably In advance. Out- aide radlua of tS miles tt.Ott. Mall subscriptions atop- ped at expiration. I I TRI-WEKKliY: On year, f.0O; six montha, fl.Ms I three months.

75 cents. Fsyahla in advance and ston- at expiration. I h- MEM HEB OF AHHO(IATKI PEEKS Associated Press la exclusively entitled to thd aae) republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also (fee local news published herein, I All rights of republication of special dispatches LADIES' NEW FALL DRESSES AND COATS Dresses ia aewest styles and colors) sixes ap to 50. Special ew shipment new fall fabrics. 0495 03.90 $2.90 193 tively exhUlratlng.

The blocks are long and out-of-state cars are CHILDREN'S FALL DRESSES .01.93 "4 02.93 8ises 7 to 14 term of criminal court which here next Monday, according to Solicitor Hugh Beasley of Greenwood, who was In tore dfy yesterday making preparations for the coutr. There are 28 old cases on the docket with about 50 new bills to be handed the solicitor said, comprising the largest court in two years. There-are "22 persons in jail here awaiting trial. Solicitor Beasley stated that the first case for trial Monday morning plentiful. That's because everybody who drives to New York takes a While patrons of a Queens Village, L.

I-, mo vis nouse were watching spin on the Drive. gangster picture on the screen, a herein ara also reserved. Mnke All Remittances tO On 84th street, between the Drive THK INDEX-JOURNAL COMPANY duel to the death was being fought in the projection room between Sol Schulman (above) and hii assistant Nathaniel Klein. Firemen; forced door open, found Klein CHILDREN'S FAST COLOR PRINT DRESSES J. 25c 49c Greenwood, s.

c. and Central Park West, a wgr six strange licenses to the block is National representatives: BRTANT, GRIFFITH BUUN80N. Inc. his head crushed by a fire extin-' as safe as a bet that you can find will be that against A. F.

Martin, aauahac; and Walto Martin, indicted for that many Republicans In Wall street. I known a man who has The publisher assumes no naniuiy lor mercnamiiM Incorrectly priced through typographical error and In i vant will iiabilltr be assumed where roods art wio event win naunuy iw assault and battery With Intent to klU, In with an alleged sold at the Incorrect price. won his cigars for a week by risking 'all on twelve "foreigners" to The Weather attack on County Agent B. Can TELEPHONES: NEW FALL COATS i Ladle' mats la rust wine, green, navy aaa blark, 03.95 09.95 012.95 03.93 J' the block on a Sunday afternoon in non; The case was continued from Wal MIS NOT THE CASE HERE At the Western States Agricultural Conference held last week in Berkeley, California, several nutrition specialists in various Western States complained of the lack of Interest and downright opposition of so many farmers to proper nutrition for their children though they insisted on the latest scientific tables for feeding their livestock. Surely that sort of thing Is not to be found in the South.

x-, Our farmers know too much about the Import-' ance of the right kind of food to be indifferent to the proper diet for their families. The specialist from Utah in this Western States Conference was rather pronounced in her opinions of many farmers of that State In the matter of proper diet for their families. According to her address: '1 do not want my. children fed scientifically," was the answer one successful livestock man made to the adequate family nutrition efforts of the agricultural college, the paper reported. He refuses to let his wife feed the family as she knows it should be fed.

because his own food, likes are few and his dislikes many, Another group of Utah farm women decided some time ago that they "had had enough nutri- tion and nutrition teaching." A medical survey of their county thereafter showed that 85 per cent of the children were suffering from malnutrition. The paper mentioned cases of livestock men who refused to keep ft cow and farmers who could not be bothered with home gardens. Some livestock men also, she said, sell all of their animals and leave their own families without meat i nnatnftm Office Dial (fit lAdverMKine; Pepartment that area. the last term of court. Dial 6 IS Editorial Rooms i Society Editor Xlal Mt Included in the Indictments to be The game, of course, has develop CHARLOTTE, Sept.

22 (vp -Official weather bureau records of the temperature and rainfall for the 24 hours ending at 7:30 In the principal cotton growing areas and elsewhere: handed down will be the case a-galnst B. C. Cannon of Clinton, ed refinements. The using pins or other counters, have charged with murder In connection GIRLS' COATS 02.90 09-95 Leading fall colors established system of "premiums" Max Mln RfU for unusual license plates. For in with the death of Jack Anderson, weave room overseer at Clinton Mill, in August of this year.

Cannon, a former employee of Clinton is said to have entered the mill and stance, if you guess that youll find eight ouslders in a certain block, an Idaho, license for two, a Kansas NEW HATS TO MATCH Year aew fall dress a ad coat AnAti4 OO All aew colors VOW EyU shot Anderson after the latter had one arm a half, and Wyoming is gOOd for tOUt. discharged Cannon's daughter who was employed there. Florida and California carry no Other new cases are those against NEW FALL PRINTS Fast color aew pattens. aBd f' lard wide UC Jl premium In this game, because the people of those states ara apt to be found anywhere. Michigan is an other gadabout state that doesnt Dodge Floyd, colored, charged with killing a companion in a gun battle last month in the lower part of the county; and sf gainst Broadus Sullivan, colored, charged with murder in connection with the death of another colored man by the name of Putnam.

bring down-extra credits. Ontario and Quebec are so common on New York streets that only a novice at BUY SHEETS NOW- AT OUR LOW. PRICES-COMPARE OUR QUALITY CaHes te Biateh above sheets sistsisG Editorial Comment' the game would pay extra for them. i in i i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1938 IT A MILITARY COMPLEX? "Induring." as the homely old phrase goes, the latest manifestation of what must be, as a daring 1 1 bit of amateur psychoanalysis, the "military of Governor Johnston, several questions." struggled to the surface In the mind of The Index Journal in connection with the activity of the mill taryln Charleston under orders from the com- mander-in-chief of the land and naval forces of 'theMJBtate of South Carolina.

'J Suppose there had been similar dispute or mla-; understanding or anything of the same nature in 'the Republican party South Carolina would i Governor Johnston have ordered out the mllltfa to take "control?" IChot. why notT The Democratic party is In the ascendancy in South Carolln but It Is not ft 'part of the State government. It may "and does 'elect Its candidates to State offices but they then become more than Just Democrats. They are of-I fleers of the whole State. Or would Governor Johnston order out soldiers in the case of a dispute or protest In a church or denominational affair in which votes or anything else-had part? The point which is Important Is that the Clover-'; nor' showed a total lack of understanding of his 'duties as governor.

Or is It possible that he has a "military complex" and Just loves to "order out" the National OuardT In some cases it might be argued that this sort manifestation really an "Inferiority complex', working Itself out so as to Impress others with the 'power and force of the individual Just as the bantam rooster likes to strut and crow more than a (game rooster of real fighting status. Continued from the last term -of Station Asheyllle Atlanta Augusta. Blnninghatri'JJ Charleston Charlotte Chicago Columbia Denver. Detroit Galveston Greensboro Greensboro i Eatteras Jacksonville Key West Little Rock Los Angeles Memphis Meridian I 2. Miami Mt Mitchell V-New Orleans 'i.

-ii New York .1 Raleigh San Antonio San Francisco i-Epartanburg Tampa Washington Wilmington -60 ..72 ..78 .174 ..74 ..70 ..76 -80 -58 ..70 -76 ..68 -68 -72 -80 -86 -74 -90 ..70 r.76 -76 ..76 -60 -TO ..86 -62 -70 ..82 -66 42 46 50 .48 62 49 52 50 64 52. 68 40 x40 60 68 78 52 66 58 46 66 54 30 63 52 50 60 60 46 64 48 66 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 oo .18 .00 .00 .18 J00 .00 J0O .04 ZM J00 J00 joa jOO JOO J00 0 jOO 2.78 JOO .00 JOO .00 .00 8 JOO 81x90 Sheets, rarh court is the case against Joe lust! When New Yorkers out for fun 49c ICc of Cross Hill, charged with killing Cases, each devote an afternoon to this new pastime, they take It very seriously, carry score sheets, an umpire, and Roy West on January 24. The shooting of West was said to have been accidental, Iustl having aimed at another man and hit West a bystander. NEW FALL PLAID WOOLENS 61 Inches wide; yard 65 ill weol flannIs Inches JJ Aft a formally adopted list of penalties, rules, premiums and forfeits. Times Square is avoided.

Few persons who are not acquainted with New York traffic conditions care to take chances in this congested attain lower Broadway taxicabs take up most of the street space. Strangely enough, there are great Another old case 4s that against Stella Mills, charged with the killing' of her husband John Mills last April after a series of do 61 Iarh "reus Woolens yard mestic troubles. Also brought forward Is the case against Arthur 8u-ber, colored, apprehended last spring for the killing 14 May 1931 of John O. Dunlap, colored. The killing grew differences In the number cf out-of- state licenses to be sighted in streets not more than one or two out of a quarrel over a gambling THE THREE MILL SCHOOL TAX From the Greenville News.

In a comment upon our recent discussion of the effects of the complete removal of the state property tax, the Greenwood Index-Journal asserts that there is still one "state property tax" left the three-mill constitutional school levy. We rather think, however, that our contemporary is in error, in ft practical sense at least in call- ing this a "state property tax." True, it is levied by mandate of the state constitution, but it is not a levy for the support of the state government On the other hand, the constitution specifically requires that the proceeds of this tax shall be held in the treasury of the county where levied and apportioned among the school districts of the county. It is thus, In effect, a local county tax In each county. The News' comment was to the effect that with property taxes levied for state government revenue repealed, the function of equalising assessments was expected to be returned to local authorities exclusively, instead of being performed partially by the stave tax commission. That has not yet been done and apparently a revision of the statutes governing the work of the tax commission will be necessary to bring It about That is ft subject for the next legislature to consider.

Meantime, however, the electorate of the state is to vote in November on a constitutional amendment to abolish this three-mill school tax. If that is done, the point made by the Index-Journal would be fully met, and there could be no further excuse for the claim that state property tax exists unless the legislature should restore ft state levy for general revenue. debt It was reported. 1 blocks apart Louisiana Is a non-premium license in most of the agreements The case for rape is against a 17 among gamesters. During the win year old boy of near Woodruff charged with attacking a 13 year old GREENWOWOD For the 24 hours period ending at 7:30 o'clock this morning: Highest 76.

Lowest 48. Rainfall .00. Fair tonight and Friday; slightly girl last June. Judge O. B.

Greene, of Anderson, BUY BLANKETS NbW FOR JIRST COOL WEATHER 60xH double shee and 4 wcoL Pair 70x80 Blankets part wool pUld, doable hound with ft Fair mmmmmmmmmm NEW FALL FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILYI More than 100 cases received within last few weeks. Can fit all ages. Ladles' new fail oxfordK and 4rm sheen. 01.93 02.93 Children's shoes; brown er blai Sites-tip to 8. 93c Q1.69 01.93 MEN'S NEW FALL OXFORpS AH leather threnghontt rnblNr er leather; heel S) ff Fair 1.

VsW.VU will preside. Steel Industry Act I warmer in the interior Friday and in extreme northwest portion tonight. DOTH "STATE" AND "LOCAL" TAX The" three mill constitutional tax for the schools jof State may be said to be a "local" tax, as trie Greenville News, suggests but the point we were trying to make Is that it Is a "State tax" in 'its broad application and that because of Its existence the State Tax Commission still maintains an oversight of real estate assessments in the country only and win continue to do so so long as that 'tfcJPCjnUl constitutional tax is alive and effective. have free and untrammeled local control, so so of real property assessments, do away the three. mill constitutional school tax and, thus remove the last vestige of State 'control of such assessments.

The schools should not suffer from the abolition1 of this tax. Fishing Is one of the most Important -activities of the Prlpet marsh dwellers of Poland, i MEN'S NEW FALL OXFORDS Praised By Carriers CHICAGO. Sept 22 UP) The steel industry's overtures for more business from the railroads through rail price reductions brought praise today from executives of the carriers but gave no Immediate signs of bearing fruit Officials of roads centering in rails and accessories for the fourth quarter an "encouraging They steel corporation's reduced prices on Chicaeo called the Carnegie-Jlllnois said most roads already had purchased package tor 1938 but that the reduced prices mlghtajbe a help in figuring up 1939 budgets. Wflh eempe sole; brewn er blaek. Pair OS.

93 ter. Maine, Wisconsin, Minnesota and even Colorado are common enough in Manhattan to escape special mention. In Rockefeller Center; is the head office of Men With' Wings, a society of. aviators. The name of Frank Hawks appears on the door as an officer.

Tom Stlx, radio man, who has an office tn the same building, says he gets a creepy feeling when he passes that door, and wishes they'd take Franfcs's name off. Human beings, I've noticed, differ' greatly in their reactions toward the presence of dead men's names, or personal references to them. It depends, I suppose, upon your slant on the, change which we call death. I have often thought that the noun designating that Important metamorphosis shouLj be changed every century or so, to rid. collective thought of the sinister and sad connotations that have gathered a-round the word.

Undertakers have done It They 'Were undertaker, then funeral directors, and now morticians. New words a rent hard to devise. Passing the out-of-town news stand at the uptown end of the MEN'S GOOD 220 WEIGHT FULL CUT OVERALLS Plenty ef pockets; hlg or low rrts BOYS' GOOD OVERALLS All slses la, IS. Aff with the nbsUlgla for the home town who waits around for someone to order the right paper. So I introduced myself.

He was Edward Pickett; teaches chemistry in New York high school. Has lived in New York 15 years, but still comes around to buy the home town paper occasionally. And with the faint hope of, meeting somebody else who Is buying that same paper? Well, we didn't discuss that John Fowler, who has sold more papers from different cities th'in any other man. Is about 44, and has a slight limp. He lost a foot when a boy, eight years old.

He gets about faster Chan most men; doesn't consider lack of one foot any handicap at all. He has ft wife, a daughter, 17, son, 14. and a dog. He knows ten thousand lonesome New Yorkers by sight- Y' BOYS' BETTER OVERALtS AH sixes op to 18. 59c Each New Fall Sweaters for These Cool Fall Days for Boys, Girls, Ladies, Misses and Men at New Low Prices.

Cilrls' and beys half slpper. buttons end tl OO and sllpons Vy 4 VV LIQUIDATING THE GENERAL EDUCATION BOARD That great ally of educaUon. in institutions of higher, learning, In the United States, the General pducMlon Board, Is now in. process-of liquidation. It is 'about to close up and quit In a few years it JvilJvt'out of existence.

-W' I For several years the General Education Board JiasHipen using up its principal. At first It used 4 erirjrtne income from its vast capital of nearly two hundred million dollars, but since 1920 it has been slicing off some each year from its principal and before very long it will have used up all the funds jn its charge. Including donations from Income and principal it has spent over two hundred and fifty million dollars toward the progress of education since It wait created. The General Education Board was started In J90X The principal donor to it was John D. Rockefeller but there were gifts from his wife and small from others.

On the last day last December the General Education Board had In hand assets amounting to twenty-eight million dollars. It had earmarked twelve million dollars of this amount for aid to jucUon in the South. About nine million dollars be left after other commitments and unexpect-eantingencies are taken care of, the annual re-f'Sys. For' million dollars of the fund has been used education. Many tn, colleges have been beneficiaries cf the Boai and many of them CaroUna, Settlement Of Runoff Primary Awaited In N.

C. RALEIGH, N. Sept Ultimate settlement of a bitter controversy over the Democratic runoff primary for a congressman from the eighth district apparently hinged today upon "filial returns" from Richmond and Davidson counties. The state" supreme' court ruled that litigation on the issue be remanded to the superior court to a-wait the returns from those counties. In which both candidates, W.

O. Burg in of Lexington and 6. B. Deane of Rockingham contended there were irregularities. The court handed down the de CONFIRMATION From Columbia Record.

Wyndham M. Manning, of Sumter, was an able legislator, who did not compromise when he was persuaded of the Justice of his course. He was ft legislator, for example, who couldn't fool himself that extra pay wasnt extra pay Just because you called it "expense money." And had he been nominated governor in the runoff primary he failed by 14.579 votes to achieve it although he won the support of 149,318 voters, doub- ling his first primary vote he would have made the state an able, conscientious, courageous, hon- est chief executive. These very virtues led him, because he was vinced of his duty to bring these things to the final authority In the party for adjudication, to carry his protest of the election to the state Democratic executive committee. The resort to the militia was ah error for which he, eyeit though he asked it cannot be held primarily responsible; no candidate for governor can call out the militia.

And his acceptance of the party's verdict his prompt courtesy In last night almost as soon as the verdict could be known. In telegraphing his congratulations and best wishes to his successful opponent confirms South Carolinians, however they voted, in their high opinion, of him. As before and always he holds the interests of South Carolina at iheart and 8outh Carolina can depend upon him. FOR AN SRA. From Columbia Record.

The great trouble with the South, as the government's economic studies reveal, is the fact that Southerners haven't enough money. The remedy would seem therefore to be a fairly simple one if the governmental precedents mean anything. Let the federal government pass a Southern recovery act creating the" SRA. which would be empowered to pay every wage and salary earner in the South weekly subsidy equal the amount he earned for himself, minus of course the social security taxes. Times building, I nearly always buy a paper.

It has been my custom for years to select a town at random. and ask for ft paper from' there. Concord, New Hampshire, was In my mind as I approached the staiid the other day, probably because I DsaGaiflCisllS This OU Treatment Oftsa Bring Happy Reliaf XTny Sllffrrrrs rflirs sagging bsriltrbt oiirrkly. oncn Ihv flint th Mml etui. had returned from a visit to Concord, Mass.

"Have you a Concord, Monitor?" Ladles' and atlases' all wool mat style .1 fry sweaters Ladles cotton coat style 'f sweaters Dark fray cotton blanhetft. Ilooble. Rise aa. 60x71. Pair Vv Our counters and shelves are filled with new fall merchandise of newest styles and lowest prices 1 USE GUn LAY AVAY- FLAII A ADEPARTMENTSTOREfi) V.

II. Anderson, Mgr. AiGreenwooJ, S. I asked John Fowler, my old friend at the stand. cision late yesterday afternoon along with 18 others.

It held, however, that the state As Fowler was handing me the paper I noticed a short, alert tran election board had the right to "supervise" elections generally and to pass upon actions of county boards. who had been standing beside the id t.m truul'l itty tiri kilnys. 1 Urn kiiliwyii si Nature's chirl way of tskuit aicta aci.u and want out ol tha hlnoe. Moat paaa about pints a day or siuu pmintla oi nuta. Irviurnt or amnty panaacs with amnrlinf afvi tmrtnng ahowa thrs ntay aoniettuita una j-our kidney or bUl.lar.

Aa nrm ol ari la or txuaona in yoitr blooil, wlira dua to fuiH-tionnl idn-y iIuhmiIt, Siitv bs Aiwa ol kackftrh-, rhainrstk. pauu, Irj pxnia, Iriw ifpp ami mnertv, S' t-tine up mailt, aorlliua-. piuiinou uailar tin tyr, hewitirhn and dunnnsa. I'on't waill A.k your dniiri for rnan'. riil, ii ura(uily fry mtliiona tr ov 41 years.

1 hey iv rrh'4 ami ill hlp (Li li inil vi kidnr tul out ih.i.uiuhii wt iiwi yvuf Uixxi, Oat toao I ma. racks. Just looking. "IH take one too, from Concord," Fossils of 4,000,000 ye-xrs said he. old, recently unearthed near San Francisco Bay, will be displayed at I knew what that meant at once.

ALL NEED IT the Rlchijj county grand Jury turns In rr; rt of many thUMiri)j 0rds saving In Erent neerj r-i ru-hlnnd county an "d- the 1939 Oolden Oate intimattonai I've been buying out-of-town pa Exposition. pers too long to miss the fellow.

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